1. Branden, Nathaniel. Six Pillars of Self Esteem. Bantam Books, New York,
N.Y., 1994.
2. Branden, Nathaniel. Honoring The Self. Bantam Books, Nash Publishing
Co., 1985.
3. Branden, Nathaniel. How To Raise Your Self Esteem. Bantam
Books, New York, N.Y. 1987.
4. Covey, Stephen. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Schuster
New York, NY, 1989.
5. Frey, Diane and Carlock, C.J. Enhancing Self-esteem Muncie, Indiana,
Accelerated Development, 1987.
6. Harrill, Suzanne. Empowering You To Love Yourself. Innerworks Publishing
Houston, TX. 1995.
7. Malhi, Ranjit and Reasoner, Robert. Enhancing Self-esteem Reengineering Yourself for Success in the New Millennium. Self-esteem Resources, Port
Ludlow, WA. E-mail: [email protected]. 1999.
8. Malhi, Ranjit and Reasoner, Robert. Enhancing Personal Quality: Empowering Yourself to Attain Peak Performance at Work. Self-esteem
Resources, Port Ludlow, WA. E-mail: [email protected]. 2000.
9. Naylor, Anne. Superlove: A Guide to happiness in Personal Relations.
Harper- Collins. San Francisco, CA 1993.
10. Palladino, Connie. Developing Self-esteem: A Positive Guide for Personal Success. Crisp Publications, Los Altos, CA. 1989.
11. Qubein, Nido. Get The Best From Yourself. Berkeley Books. New York, NY
12. Reaves, Graham. A Stranger To Myself: An Adult Guide to Higher Self-esteem Lydian Communications. Portland, Me 04104. 1991.
13.Rinke, Wolf. Make It a Winning Life. Achievement Publishers. Rockville, MD. 1993.
14. Scott, Kathy Glover. Esteem!: A Guide to Building Self-esteem Alternative Truths. Ontario, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]. 2000
15. Simmermacher, Don. Becoming the Me I Want to Be: A Self-Help Guide.
R&E Publishers, Saratoga, CA. 1993.
16. Smith, Wayne M. Quest for High Self-esteem Self-esteem Publishers.
Irvine, CA. 1996.
17. Timmons, Tim & Arterburn, Stephen. Hooked on Life. Artimus Group,
Nashville, TN. 1985.
18.Twerski, Abraham. Let Us Make Man. Traditional Press Inc., Brooklyn, NY.
19.Wagner, Maurice. The Sensation of Being Somebody. Zondervan Publishing,
Grand Rapids, MI. 1975.
Arancibia, Violeta; Maltes, Sergio, and Alvarez, Maria Ines. Test de Autoconcepto academico (Primero a cuarto grado). Editorial Universidad Catolica de Chile
Es un inventario de 23 preguntas qaue responde el profesor en base a las
conductas que obseva en los alumnos (incluye areas como copping, social
relations, leadership, etc
Lui, Hah Wah Elena.(1999) What Singapore Adolescents Think of Themselves.
Prentice Hall Publishers, Singapore.
This contains research perspectives on adolescents conducted in Singapore.
Malhi, Ranjit S. and Reasoner, Robert. Enhancing Self-esteem: Re-engineering Yourself for Success in the New Millennium.
Self-esteem Resources, 234
Montgomery Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365 or [email protected]
This is a practical guide for the development of personal Self Esteem. In addition to background information on the critical aspects of Self Esteem itcontains exercises for groups or individuals. It has proven to be a popular book
with adolescents as well as with adults.
Malhi, Ranjit S. and Reasoner, Robert.
Enhancing Personal Quality: Empowering Yourself to Attain Peak Performance at Work. Self-esteem Resources,
234 Montgomery Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365 or [email protected]
This book is an excellent guide for the personal development of individuals in the work world. It includes the critical personal qualities and how to develop them, keys to the development of good human relations, and how to achieve superior work
performance. This is designed to be a guide to managers or supervisors as well as members of a work team.
Naylor, Anne. Superlove: The Guide to Happiness in Personal Relationships.
Thorsons, San Francisco, CA. ISBN 0 7225 2821 3
An excellent personal guide to self-acceptance, understanding, and feeling at peace with yourself. This book gives excellent suggestions on how to better your relationships with others with a variety of practical exercises.
Naylor, Anne. Superlife: The Seven Steps That Spell SUCCESS. Thorsons, San Francisco,
CA ISBN 0 7225 2600 8
Seven sequential steps are outlined to improve your life, beginning with setting personal objectives and addressing the key attitudes essential to personal
Reasoner, Robert. Building Self-esteem: A Comprehensive Program For Schools. Consulting Psychologists Press. Palo Alto, Ca. Or Self-esteem Resources, 234 Montgomery Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365. [email protected].
These attractive binders contain a comprehensive overview of the model for developing Self Esteem of staff and students, along with 150 blackline master Activity Worksheets for students. Available in Spanish, French, and Arabic.
PARENT GUIDE–$4.00 (Available in Spanish)
Reasoner, Robert Self-esteem and Youth: What Research Has To Say About It
See e-book on International Council website
This book contains a summary of over 2,000 research studies on Self Esteem and adolescents, including the relationship of Self Esteem to such problems as drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, crime and violence, teenage pregnancy, depression
and suicide, academic achievement, and cultural differences.
Teolis, Beth. Self-esteem & Conflict-Solving Activities for Grades 4-8. Prentice
Hall Publishers, NY 1-800-491-0551
Gives classroom teachers & counselors practical skills for life activities to help children who otherwise do not receive encouragement. Spiral 334 pp.
Teolis, Beth. Conflict Resolution Activities for Elementary Students. Prentice
Hall Publishers, NY Ph 1-800-491-0551
Gives classroom teachers and counselors lessons to build empathy, deal with anger, Bully Busters! TLC Poster. Spiral 352 pp.
Tymms, Peter. Baseline Assessment and Monitoring in Primary Schools: Achievements, Attitudes and Value-added Indicators. David Fulton Publishers. ISBN: 1853465917.
The book provides an overview of children and their academic achievements and Self-esteem as well as other factors as they move through school. The aim of the book is to provide an insight into the ways in which monitoring can help schools.
White, Murray. Raising Self-esteem Ginn Heinemann Professional Development
Orders Dept. Freepost (SCE8 385) Oxford OX2 8YY, UK also
A mixture of fun and serious activities to enhance Self Esteem. For use in schools youth clubs, adult groups. Photocopiable, with illustrated worksheets.
White, Murray. Magic Circles: Building Self-esteem Through Circle Time
Lucky Duck Pub., 3 Thorndale Mews, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2HX, UK email: [email protected]
A definitive step-by-step manual, designed for use with children but also has been used successfully with teenagers and adult groups.
White, Murray. Guided Imagery for Circle Time. Lucky Duck Pub., 3 Thorndale Mews,Clifton, Bristol BS8 2HX, UK. Email: [email protected]
A one hour audiocassette and explanatory booklet divided into ten sections. CD
version available. Stories and exercises to develop Self Esteem, suitable for use at school and home, suitable for all ages.
White, Murray. Self-esteem Solutions. Lucky Duck Pub., 3 Thorndale Mews, Clifton,
Bristol BS8 2HX, UK
An account of the keynotes and twenty plus workshops conducted at the international Self-esteem Conference held in Cambridge which addressed the Crucial issues involved in promoting Self Esteem in the family, the school, and the
White, Murray. Self-esteem Recipes for Happy Families. Contact Murray at
[email protected]
A treasure trove of assorted activities to help build Self Esteem in children, teenagers, mums, dads, grandparents, caregivers and everyone!
Yellowlees, Alex. Working with Eating Disorders and Self-esteem Ginn and
Heinemann (Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd Publishers
Order through Orders Dept., Freepost (SCE8), Oxford, OX2 8YY, UK
Working with Eating Disorders and Self-esteem is an exciting, photocopiable resource for teachers, trainers and mental health professionals. The book: examines the concept and importance of Self Esteem. Outlines how Self Esteem is developed,
Explores the relationship between Self Esteem, body image and eating disorders
Presents the therapeutic aims and strategies of Self Esteem development and therapy.
1. Branden, Nathaniel. How To Raise Your Self-esteem New York, Bantam Books, 1987.
2. Branden, Nathaniel. Six Pillars of Self-esteem Bantam Book. NY,1994.
3. California Task Force on Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility. Toward a State of Esteem. Sacramento: Bureau of Publications, State Dept. of Education, 1990.
4. Frey, Diane and Carlock, CJ Enhancing Self-esteem Muncie,Indiana: Accelerated Development, Inc., 1987.
5. Glenn, Stephen. Raising Self-Reliant Children In A Self-Indulgent World. NY, NY St.Martin’s Press, 1987.
6. Mecca, Andrew et al. The Social Importance of Self- Esteem. Berkeley,CA, Univ. Of California Press, 1989.
7. Mruk, Christopher. Self-esteem: Research, Theory, and Practice. Springer Publishing, NY , 1999.
8. Purkey, William. Inviting School Success. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1978.
9.Reasoner, R.. Building Self-esteem in Elementary Schools.Administrators Guide.Consulting Psychologists Press. Palo Alto,CA, 1994.